I’m travelling solo, but don’t want to end up a “third wheel”

That’s what our crew “match-making” is all about! We’ll always give you the lowdown on the current guest composition of a trip, so you won’t ever end up unknowingly as the odd-one-out with eg, a family & kids!

We also send out “group intros” to our shareboat groups, so that everyone can introduce themselves and share a little of their background before the trip – a great ice-breaker when you’re travelling solo.

It’s also a chance to team up with other travellers before the trip – eg, to share taxis rides, swap info on hotels, or just have a pre-trip beer with some crewmates-to-be.

Is there a single supplement ?

Our shareboat prices are based on two people sharing a cabin; and no, there is no single supplement in this case.

Because of the necessarily compact design of sailboats, most cabins are doubles. Some are double beds, some are bunk beds or twin singles. We get lots of solo travellers, and most are happy to have a cabin-mate (don’t worry, we won’t put you “in the same bed” with someone of the opposite sex 🙂

If you’d really prefer to have a cabin to yourself – on most trips, we are able to offer that option, at a cost of 1.5x the regular price.

There are some trips (especially our “one-off” exploratory trips, where we rent boats from other owners) when we’re not able to offer this option.

Just check in with us for any particular trip you’re interested in, and we can give you the options.

How safe is this for solo women travellers?

It doesn’t get much safer!

First of all, you get an instant friend-group to explore new places and experiences with. If you want to go off on your own, that’s fine too –  if you get lost or whatever, the locals know us so well, they’ll  take you home to the boat 🙂

Secondly, our skippers are not there just to sail the boat. They are your go-to people for everything – whether it’s keeping an eye on boat dynamics (is that guy bugging you?) to “What’s appropriate to wear to the monastry / the beach bar / the Turkish baths, etc?”

We advise the usual caution when transiting through the bigger cities;   keep your street-smarts about you there. But in general, the places we have chosen as our favourite cruising grounds are very low-risk for solo women travellers. Sure, the Greek & Turkish guys may well try to chat you up; but if you make it clear you’re not interested – they’re fine and still totally friendly.  All of us female SeaScape team members feel a whole lot “safer” here than we would in our home “First World” countries!


Customised private charters

Want to bring your own group of friends or family? Great !  We can customise a trip for you which suits your pace and places you’d like to go.

That’s within logistical reason, of course – sailing from Athens to Crete to Istanbul in one week isn’t going to happen! When you are looking at distances, allow around 5 knots as an average sailboat speed. (Although not strictly accurate, think of a knot as “a mile per hour”).

In the Med, our usual trip duration is a week; for Greece AND Turkey, we really need around 10 days to make it worthwhile with the extra paperwork and distances.  Sometimes we are able to offer shorter trips (only within Greece).

In SE Asia, our trip duration is more flexible. Eg, our shareboat trips in Thailand are 8 days; and this is our favourite timeframe, to fit in all the best spots. But if you’d like something different – just drop us a line and ask!


Sailing with kids

Kids on board on a private charter?  No problem!  It can be a great learning experience for the whole family.  But we would recommend a minimum age of around 5-6 yrs old unless your kid(s) – and you – are already used to sailboat life.  Otherwise, it’s unlikely to be exactly a “relaxing” vacation for the parents…